
Was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots
Was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots

was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots

The question put forward in this paper is whether robots can create conformity by means of group pressure. Results suggest that Number and Type of observed robots had an interaction effect on responses toward robots in general, leading to more positive responses for groups for some robot types, but more negative responses for others. We then measured participants' general attitudes, emotions, and stereotypes toward robots with a combination of measures from HRI (e.g., Godspeed Questionnaire, NARS) and social psychology (e.g., Big Five, Social Threat, Emotions). In this exploratory study, we used videos to expose participants in a between-subjects experiment to robots varying in Number (Single or Group) and Type (anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, or mechanomorphic). Further, group effects might vary for robots of different types. We therefore hypothesize that group effects might similarly occur when people face multiple robots. Research from social psychology indicates that people interact differently with individuals than with groups. Robots are expected to become present in society in increasing numbers, yet few studies in human-robot interaction (HRI) go beyond one-to-one interaction to examine how emotions, attitudes, and stereotypes expressed toward groups of robots differ from those expressed toward individuals.

was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots

These results suggest that viewing the touch behaviors of others influenced the perceived emotional feelings toward both presenters and objects. The results resembled those obtained when the presenter was a robot, i.e., viewing a touch behavior increased both the presenter’s perceived feelings of kawaii toward the object and the participant’s feelings of kawaii toward it. Based on these results, we next conducted a web survey experiment to investigate whether such knowledge about touching effects is applicable for human presenters. On the other hand, the results did not effectively show any increase in the participant’s feelings of kawaii toward the robot or the emphasized touch style. The results showed that participants who observed the robot’s touch behaviors perceived the object to be more kawaii and thought that the robot also felt the object was more kawaii. First, we conducted a face-to-face experiment with a robot presenter where participants observed their presentations about an object to explain its characteristics. Based on the phenomenon that people more firmly touch an object when their perceived kawaii feeling is overwhelmingly strong, we investigated the effects of touching behavior with emphasized styles.

was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots

We conducted a face-to-face experiment with a robot presenter as well as a web survey experiment with both robot and human presenters. We investigated how a presenter’s touching behaviors of an object during its explanation affect the observer’s perceived feelings of kawaii, a Japanese word that means “cute,” toward the object and the presenter. These results suggest the effectiveness and empirical evidence of using two robots for educational support. 22 children participated in an experiment whose results showed that children learned more when two robots praised them than just one, even with an identical amount of praise. We designed the robots to interactively praise children during their learning situations and experimented with a with-in participant design to compare the effects of praise from two robots and just one. To verify this hypothesis, we developed an English learning system that consisted of an e-learning application, a depth sensor for human-tracking, a tabletop humanoid robot, a doll-type robot, and an operator. Since praise from a single robot provides positive effects for children as educational support, we hypothesized that praise from two robots will increase such effects because two robots will enhance the social influences. This paper reports the effects of praise from two robots on children’s learning time, their performance, and their acceptance of the robots.

Was the numberlys an influence for the movie robots